We Ditched our Chore Chart!

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First, let me say I love chore charts.

I love looking at them on Pinterest, I love how they inspire me to greatness. I love making them and hanging them up where they can make it look like I’m totally on top of moving the clothespin. But the reality is I never remember to move the clothespin, magnet, chalk tag etc. and eventually the chore system breaks down into a series of, “I did it last time”, and “But it’s not my turn.” until nothing is getting done (or I’m doing it all) and I don’t know who to nag.

I need my own chart to remind me to keep up the chore chart.

So I ditched the chart altogether. And instead, I assigned each kid two set chores they will do for an entire year. No rotating. They do the same chores. All year. One chore must be done daily, and one must be done weekly, typically on Friday. (This doesn’t mean they aren’t expected to pitch in with other tasks, like tidying up before Dad gets home. )

Here’s how it looks.

Right now each of my older kids is washing dishes once per day, and on Friday one cleans the bathroom while the other mows the lawn.  (The 5 year old doesn’t have a set task right now, other than picking up after herself. She will be the cat and dog feeder next time I assign chores.)

Last year it was one load of laundry per day.  

Next year I will swap it up depending on what I think they need to learn (or brush up on) or . . . what I’m tired of doing. 

(Uh-oh am I getting lazy?)

Yep.  I still have to monitor and enforce, but now if it’s not done I know who to nag.  I don’t have to remember to move the magnet, I don’t have to figure out who is falling down on the job (which is nice because often it’s me!) and they don’t have to keep track of which chore they are supposed to do today.  

Sounds simple, right?

That’s because it is. I don’t know about you, but if there’s anything I need more of in my life it’s S-I-M-P-L-E!

How do you manage chores in your home?

April 29, 2020

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