Thanks for stopping by! I'm Magi, a scratch cooking, homeschooling mama, learning to raise good kids, good food, and good fun on our teeny-tiny little farm!

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End of Summer, and New Beginnings

End of Summer, and New Beginnings

WOW!  Why is it that summer is the only season which flies by?  You never wake up one early morning in April and look around a little confused, thinking “Spring Already?  Winter was just getting good”. We had a great summer here on the Half […]

Our First Family Backpacking Trip

Our First Family Backpacking Trip

We recently took our first backpacking trip as a family.  Before we had children, my husband and I backpacked as often as we could, usually making at least two or three trips into the woods per summer.  After the babies started coming it just seemed […]

My Favorite Tips For Dealing With The Heat

My Favorite Tips For Dealing With The Heat

Last week we had a few days in the mid-upper sixties and today our thermometer topped out at 102 degrees.  It’s located on the shady side of our house.  We don’t have any air conditioning.

Even so, it wasn’t until late afternoon that the house started to feel a little too warm for comfort.  We’ve lived here for nearly four years without an air conditioner and we’re fine with it for all but the hottest week or two of the year.  How do we do it?

  • Keep the doors closed.  I know it’s counter intuitive but keeping doors and windows closed helps a ton.  
  • Open upstairs windows and, if possible, arrange fans to blow air in one end of the house and out the other.  This helps by keeping the hot air that rises from downstairs moving out of the house.  Many newer homes have fans built into the attic vents, but ours is nearly one hundred years old, so we accomplish this by opening all the bedroom doors and placing a fan with air going in our bedroom window and out the kid’s room. ( At night we turn the fans so that they blow cool air into all the rooms.)
  • Close shades on the sunny side of the house.
  • Use a ceiling fan to help draw warm air up and out those upstairs windows/attic vents.
  • Keep plenty of ice on hand for cold drinks.
  • Never underestimate the value of a garden hose to the back of the neck.
  • Try to get outdoor chores done before the heat really turns up.  When it’s going to be in the 100’s I try to have all the outside chores done by 10 am.  Then I check on animals once or twice during the day to make sure they have plenty of water and aren’t over heating.
  • We’re lucky in that the people who built our home had some good foresight.  They planted shade trees on the southern side of our house.  In the summer they give us shade, and in the winter they lose their leaves and let the sun shine in the windows.  It’s something to keep in mind if you’re planning a new landscape scheme.
  • When all else fails it’s time to hit the river, lake, kiddie pool, or cold shower.  Use what you’ve got!

Don’t forget the pets and livestock when it’s hot!

  • Make sure everyone has plenty of water and shade.
  • Repurpose 2-liter soda bottles by filling them with water and freezing them to place in rabbit hutches, chicken coops, or dog houses during the day.
  • Give your pets their own pool.  Our dog has a small kiddie pool in her kennel for when we’re at work.
  • Use misters to keep especially heat-sensitive animals like rabbits cool.
  • Gardens, trees and lawns need extra water when it’s this hot, but to avoid sunburning them, avoid watering while the sun is beating down.  Set a timer to give a good soaking in the early morning or just after sunset.

What’s your favorite way to foil Summer’s heat?

Shared at The Homestead Barn Hop.

A Superior Vessell

A Superior Vessell

Folks, there is an amazing product available NOW, that you need on your homestead! It’s a bowl, a drinking glass, and a coffee mug all in one. It comes in a variety of sizes making it great for storing leftovers. It fits right into your […]

The Hard Truth

The Hard Truth

Dear Uninhibited Young Person, I know conventional wisdom and about a million facebook e-cards have taught you that it doesn’t matter what others think of you.  And that is true. Unless you want to get a job.  I promise you, when you go to a […]

Decisive Action…put off by only one short year.

Decisive Action…put off by only one short year.

Update:  Would you believe I wrote this post last spring and there are still one or two items on the list that we haven’t accomplished?  Which is why I never published it.  Well…it’s the time of year when I ramp up thinking of all things money and job-quit-y, so I’m back at trying to cut expenses.

*****  Warning!! This post contains a discussion of personal financial matters citing actual dollar amounts.  I know this is considered tacky by most well brought up folks, but I believe it could possibly help someone recognize some non-essential spending and maybe, possibly positively influence someone else’s bottom line.  If you find this blatant money talk offensive please stop by again some other time.  Have a nice day.  *****

I’m totally aware that my post about going back to work was a tad whiny and that I’ve been whining about leaving my kids in order to work for nearly six seven years now, but I never really sat down and strategized a way out of it that didn’t involve a fantasy where I was fired or downsized,(I’ve never been a quitter) and stopped by the mini-mart to get a lottery ticket, and won.  So I’ve been thinking through some of our non-essential expenditures and here’s what I’ve come up with.

Cable-Internet-Phone Bundle

I won’t go as far as to say we could do without TV, even though I know we technically could.  Instead I’ll say we don’t need as many channels as we have now.  The cable company tricked us into buying expanded cable by spreading the four channels we like to watch out over three separate packages.  I’m ashamed to say it’s taken me three years to finally realize that nearly everything I want to watch is available on the internet that’s included in the bundle.  So, I’ll be calling the cable company to let them know we only need the basic channels.  As for internet and phone, we already have the bare minimum.  Getting rid of expanded should save us about $50/month.


Again, it’s taken me three years and for that I am ashamed.  I just really stink at sending videos back, so we we’ve been paying for DVD’s and streaming movies, but really only using streaming.  So in under two minutes I logged into my account and changed my package to streaming only.  This was a quick way to save $10.


I drive a paid off 2001 Subaru.  We’ve been paying for full coverage because we had to while we had a car loan.  Full coverage on an 11 year old vehicle just doesn’t make sense, so I called the insurance agent and switching to less coverage saves us $25 a month.


Because we didn’t have the full 20% to put down on our conventional mortgage we pay private mortgage insurance.  When we reach the balance which would reflect having put the full twenty percent down we can request that the mortgage company drop the PMI which will save us $69 per month.  We are eagerly awaiting that day, which should happen in January.

These are all set expenditures that we’ve been making each month, and cutting them saves us one hundred and fifty four of our hardest earned, green American dollars.  Nobody  is going to let me quit my job for figuring out how to save 154 dollars a month, but I’m not done yet.  I know there are a lot of little purchases and expenses adding up to a big ol’ bucket of cash being tossed out the window around here.

Fast Food and Quick Stop lunches

Probably our biggest non-essential expenditure and here’s the smacker: we don’t even really like the stuff (except for you, Rusty Burgers and Mom!) and we feel junky after we eat it.  But it’s so convenient and we’re so strapped for time.  We fall into the trap of thinking if we grab something quick for dinner on the way home we will have so much extra time to spend with the kids or getting other things done.  BUT, if you’ve ever eaten a fast food meal you may know that the only thing you can do after is un-button your jeans and groan.  Some weeks we’re better and follow a healthy, cooked-at-home meal plan, other weeks go to heck in a hand basket, but I bet if we averaged it out we’d find a couple hundred going out the window so we can feel full of regret, sluggish and a little fatter.  This is going to be very difficult since I’m rarely organized, which is what one needs to be to consistently make quick meals at home.  Since it’s hard to say exactly how much we’ve been spending I don’t know how much we’ll save.  Shameful, I know.  I’ve started by sitting down with the hubster and making a list of easy make at home and make ahead meals, and the things we need to keep on hand to make them.  After a month of trying to stick with it, we’ll see what’s left over in the bank account the day before pay day.  I have a feeling this one topic will make a great future post.


At 2.3 cents per kilowat hour we have some of the nations least expensive electricity, but that’s no reason to use more than we need.  Last winter I became the furnace Nazi, and I’m holding strong there, so the number one way to reduce electricity bills has already been tapped into here.  But guess what comes next? Laundry.  I’ve already switched to cold water washes which saves on powering the water heater.  Also, I’ve been hanging my clothes out more and more with the good weather, but this could still use some tightening.  As could making sure lights are off in unused rooms, (like the basement, ahem, Nate), and unplugging chargers and appliances when they’re not in use.   I also need to plan ahead and do my baking all at once so we only go through the pre-heating process once.  This will also help reduce those fast food visits.


In previous years, though my husband and I work for the same company, we were unable to ride to work together because of differing schedules.  This year our hours have been more in line and we’re able to ride together about 80% of the time.  This has saved us about $200 per month in fuel costs.  It also saves wear and tear on my husband’s newer truck.

Life Insurance

Those of us without families should never go a day without life insurance, but the fact is we’ve been overpaying.  First, someone decided to say he was a smoker, though he only smokes one or two drags of a cigarette per year, usually when a smoking friend is about to do something stupid and says “here, hold this for a minute”.  Then someone else fell for the sales pitch and purchased a whole-life policy.  Which is generally considered a poor investment.  Next we failed to realize that we were still paying for two term policies.  It’s ugly.  $400 per month ugly.  We plan to ditch the whole life and shop around for a better term policy.

There is one more expense I feel I need to mention, though it can’t yet be eliminated.  Daycare.  We have some seriously budget daycare from a couple of great gals,who share our values and love our kids.  We love these ladies, and know the kids have a great time with them.  Still, I am so jealous of them for getting to spend most of my babies’ waking hours with them, while I only get to rush them through dinner, homework, chores and bedtime.  If I were to quit my job, poof! We’d save 800 dollars a month and our family would gain the strong foundation of a mama at home.

Again, I know these things seem like drops in a bucket, but that bucket just might be my ticket to raising my own children instead of paying someone else to do so.

Have any of you made the transition from work-outside mama to stay at home mama?  What did you do to fill the financial gap? Did you have to convince your husband that the value of Mama at home outweighs the financial sacrifice?

May be linked up with The Homestead Barn Hop, the Homemaking Link Up, No Ordinary Blog Hop, and the Homeacre Hop.

Should we Shield our Children From Death?

Should we Shield our Children From Death?

Should we shield our children from death? I’m not sure I know the “correct” answer to this question.  We have chosen to be gently honest with our children when a death occurs.  We usually tell them that the person or animal who died went to […]

Lessons From a House Fire and A False Alarm

Lessons From a House Fire and A False Alarm

Guess who has two thumbs and just woke up all her neighbors to come make sure her house wasn’t on fire, because her smoke alarm smelled smoke from outside?  Yep.  I feel pretty dumb.  BUT, let me give you the back story. About five years […]

Caring For An Egg Bound and Prolapsed Chicken

Caring For An Egg Bound and Prolapsed Chicken

Those of you who follow me on Facebook already heard the meatiest part of this story, but I thought it might be helpful if I filled in some details for anyone who might be in a similar situation.

A few weeks back I noticed a chicken ranging around the yard with a bloody, stringy, poopy, slimy and feathery looking mass hanging from her rear end.  Eewww.


I quickly trapped her in the rarely-used dog kennel, to try to keep the others from pecking at her while I ran into the house to Google the solution.

Google agreed with my initial suspicion that she had been egg bound, and had broken an egg inside her.  She had also prolapsed her vent.  The good news is that it didn’t seem to be slowing her down or making her feel bad at all.  In fact before I got back out to her, she had already escaped from the kennel and was foraging with the rest of the girls.

Why Oh Why do I not have rubber gloves on this farm?

I caught her and brought her into the mud room so I could take care of her as well as possible.  I started by using a paper towel to gently pull the gooey mass from her vent. This task was mercifully easy.  Thankfully, the egg seemed to be soft shelled, I found NO hard shell pieces, which could have cut her, resulting in infection.  There was blood, however, so I proceeded as if I knew she had lacerations.  

Next I used the sprayer on the utility sink to clean her up as well as she would allow.  I got another paper towel, smeared it with antibiotic ointment, and used it to gently push her vent back in as well as I could.  She didn’t like it.  I didn’t like it.  But we got it done.  The vent still looked slightly “inside out”, but I was worried I’d do more damage than good if I kept harassing her.

My husband’s buddies had a good laugh at me at this point, not that any of them would/could help a girl out in such a situation.

I kept her in the mud room over night, inside an overturned and weighed down laundry basket.  Why Oh Why did I not think of using a pet porter, or one of our empty rabbit cages?  I covered her makeshift home in a blanket to keep the light out and break her laying cycle.  I did not want her trying to form a new egg until her vent had a chance to recover.

I gave her plenty of water with Essential Oil of Oregano, which has antibiotic properties, and watered-down, plain yogurt to eat. *

The next day she got lovely morning and afternoon sitz baths with warm water and Lavender oil.  You’d be surprised how much a chicken can enjoy a bath.  She didn’t even fight too much about being toweled off.


By evening her vent looked back to normal and she was looking eager to get out, so I decided to let her out a little before dark.  I watched her closely for a few days, and as an added measure I put Oregano Oil to the water in the coop.  She has had no further problems that I’ve noticed.

*There is a lot of conflicting information regarding the use of essential oils to treat  chickens.  I am not a vet, and nothing in this post is intended as medical advice.  You should do lots of research before you decide how to treat your flock.

Have you had any experiences with prolapse or egg binding?  Did your hen recover?

This post will be shared at No Ordinary Blog Hop, The Homestead Barn Hop, and The Home Acre Hop.

5 Good Reasons to be Unprepared (sometimes) -A guest post for The Survival Mom

5 Good Reasons to be Unprepared (sometimes) -A guest post for The Survival Mom

Follow me over to The Survival Mom where I’ve written a guest post about what my family has learned from the times we’ve been unprepared.