Look What I Found!
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About 5 days ago when I went out to close up the coop for the night I noticed we were short one barred rock hen. I looked around a little, but since I didn’t see any sign of predation I figured I’d see her in the morning. The next day I looked out while the hens were scratching and did indeed count five barred rocks. But, again, at bedtime she was nowhere to be seen. A couple more days passed and since we hadn’t seen her again, I figured she had been hawk bait. But today after I gathered eggs I heard a familiar clucking from behind some lumber which was resting against the shed.
I moved the lumber and boy was she mad! She puffed up and lowered herself to the ground so I knew she’d be sitting on five or six eggs.
Broody hens can be feisty, so I carefully lifted her off the nest and was shocked to find she was not sitting on a small clutch of eggs. She was sitting on twenty-five eggs. What a great surprise, when we were thinking that we’d be down a few eggs per week after losing this hen. This spring we plan to add a rooster to the mix, so hopefully one of our girls will be in a broody mood when the time comes!
Dang! Do you need a place for some of those to go?
Haha! This is funny and just plain cute! What a great surprise. I can’t wait to get some chickens.
I’m really loving your blog so far!
Thanks for stopping by! I’m still new to blogging so I get a thrill whenever someone I don’t know personally visits! I checked out your blog too and am looking forward to following your journey 🙂