You Don’t Have To Be An Expert
Looking back over our journey there is one factor that has held us back most. I don’t know. . . I don’t know how. I don’t know if it will work. I don’t know if we’ll like it. Well, I’m here to tell you. If […]
Thanks for stopping by! I'm Magi, a scratch cooking, homeschooling mama, learning to raise good kids, good food, and good fun on our teeny-tiny little farm!
Looking back over our journey there is one factor that has held us back most. I don’t know. . . I don’t know how. I don’t know if it will work. I don’t know if we’ll like it. Well, I’m here to tell you. If […]
Recently I attended an essential oils class with some friends and one friend posed the question “If you could only have three, which would you choose?” Now most of you know I am a huge fan of essential oils, and use them for many applications […]
Winter is making it’s final roar, this early March. At least I hope it’s the final roar. I know our winter has been mild and short, but I so want my toes in the dirt!
Our cat decided my pot of lettuce seedlings in the window looked like a good place to do his business, so I took a deep breath, reigned in the urge to kill him, and dumped the contents in the snow covered knapweed patch above the driveway. Guess I’ll have to start over. I have to get the potting stuff out anyway, since I still haven’t started my peppers and tomatoes (I know, I’m so late!), but it is disappointing nonetheless. Especially since that freeloading cat isn’t even a good enough mouser to earn his keep.
Today, we’re all tucked snug into our little old farm house enjoying our Sunday. I’m waiting for the bread we mixed up last night to finish it’s second rise, and the girls have made a “tiny house” in the living room.
Today is Daddy’s Birthday, so later we will join the family at the in-laws’ house for chili and fry bread, and cake. Did you know that sometimes I cheat and use boxed cake mix? It’s true, I do. You may, however, take comfort in the fact that I use fresh homegrown eggs, and I don’t follow the directions. I’m wild that way.
Happy Sunday!
With so many opinions out there as to what one can do when the kids get sick, I’m sure you aren’t hurting for advice. And since I’m just a Mom, not a Doctor, I wouldn’t be qualified to give advice even if you did want […]
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by again. Why don’t you join me over at the The Survival Mom, where I’m guest-posting on Every Day Carry.
Since my article on Straight Talk is consistently in my “top posts” list, I thought it was time for an update.
At the time of my previous post we were happy with the cell coverage, and with the price, but we were having issues with making payments, and with reaching customer service. At the time Straight Talk also wasn’t offering any really great phones.
Well I don’t know if a lot of folks made complaints and were heard, or if Straight Talk is just catching up with the times, but they’ve made improvements and I’m extremely happy with them now.
First, I finally signed up for auto refill, which I was hesitant to do before. I was concerned that I would forget a payment was coming out of my account and get overdrawn. I decided I just needed to get on top of it and remember it the way I do for Netflix, ABC mouse, and Hulu. Not that big a deal. I get a text message each month letting me know my service is about to refill, so if I need or want to I can go online and cancel the payment. I didn’t even have a problem updating my payment method when I recently switched banks. My service has been seamless.
Second, they’ve gotten some really good phones on board and they allow you to bring your own phone by purchasing a SIM card from them. I finally went back to using a smart phone, the Huwei W2, a Windows 8 phone. It runs Pandora, Netflix, Hulu and all the games my kids want to play. We may use these features less than the average family, but we’ve never had a problem with the service getting bogged down and buffering a lot, except when we’re in poor cell coverage. At home, where there is no cell service, I am able to connect to wifi, which is nice when the rest of the family is hogging the media devices and I need to check my email.
It seems like the $45 Unlimited plan really is unlimited, which is getting to be a thing of the past with the other carriers. Like I said, we may not use it as much as most folks do, but we haven’t gotten any nasty-grams about using too much data, and we’ve never been cut off.
As I said before, either enough folks complained and were heard, or Straight Talk finally caught up with the times. They are providing comparable service to the “big guys” for no contract and at a reasonable monthly price.
I am currently a satisfied customer!
2013 has come to an end and looking back on my goals from this time last year I feel pretty good! As usual, some things get pushed to the back burner, re-evaluated, or nixed altogether, but I did meet several goals and we’re closer in […]
I was going to title this post “Fall and Winter Goals”, but perhaps it’s a little late to be setting goals for fall since snow is in the forecast and, relatively speaking, in the neighborhood. We’ve gotten most of our pre-winter tasks out of the […]
At the risk of sounding like I’m tooting my own horn, people often ask me how I get my children to be so well-behaved. Today I’m going to attempt to answer that question as honestly as possible. I think I can boil it down to four main points.
The bottom line is that you don’t have to use every bit of good advice you ever get. Choose a few tools that work well for you, and stick with them consistently. Good behavior isn’t usually something that will just happen on it’s own. Don’t be afraid to ruin your kid’s day with a well-placed consequence. After all, isn’t it really she, that ruined it by making a poor choice? Don’t be afraid to give the gift of the consequence as often as it is necessary. Don’t be afraid. You’re the parent. They are looking at you to try and figure out who it is that they are supposed to be. Help them figure it out with consistent, loving guidance.
What are your favorite tools?
A few weeks ago, while I was making up a meal plan for the month, I asked my husband for some suggestions. He suggested Sloppy Joes, and I jotted it down and moved on. It wasn’t until this morning that I realized I have never-ever […]