It’s hard to believe that it is week 35 already, but here we are!
I’m starting to get that “I don’t think I can get much bigger” feeling.
Unfortunately, we all know that’s not true. I can, and probably will, get bigger. Baby Hazel with be making her appearance sooner or later though, and since her big sisters both came in the 37th week, it’s time to get the hospital bag ready to go.
We tend to be light packers, as if packing light will ensure us a short hospital stay.
So what’s in my bag, you ask?
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Bath Towel
- Flip Flops for the shower
- Moisturizer
- A fresh set of contacts
- Contact solution
- Eyeglasses/case
- Hair brush
- Hair elastics
- Undies
- Robe
- Yoga pants
- Nursing top
- Nursing bra
- Pads
- Jammies for Baby Hazel
- Going home outfit and hat for Baby Hazel
- Camera
What are your Must Haves for a planned hospital stay?
Since one big sister has expressed an interest in coming with us to the hospital to welcome baby to the world, we’ll pack a bag for her too. We want her to have some comfort items in case things drag on longer than we expect.
Both prior labors and deliveries were 5-ish hours, start to finish, so that’s what we’re praying for this time too. If only these things could just be predictable!
Alas, they cannot so we’ll be packing a Big-sis bag too.
- New coloring book
- New crayons
- A chapter book
- ipad and charger
- Snacks
- Water bottle
- Small blanket
- Cash and change for cafeteria or vending machine purchases
She’ll also have her own support person (Daddy has to stay with me) in case it’s too much for her or she just gets restless and wants to leave. Have you had your older children in the delivery room, and if so what do you recommend we bring or do for her?
I’m having lots of contractions whenever I’m on my feet, which is often. I also feel tired, but very motivated, so I may just be pushing myself too hard to get loose ends tied up before baby comes. Nothing major, mind you, just little trivial matters like, oh, say cleaning the entire house, setting up the crib, organizing baby clothes, shopping for last minute stuff, like a car seat. No big deal. I’m sure I can make it all happen as long as she isn’t any earlier than her sisters were.
Hubby has been home with me for the past week, which has been a tremendous help. I’ve had him running things up and down stairs, as well as getting the girls on the bus in the mornings. It’s nice to be able to settle down for a cup of tea as soon as the “Get Out The Door Rush” is over.
Between lots of rain, and lots of contractions I’m woefully behind on getting the garden cleaned up and put to bed for fall. That may be one for the Honey-Do list.
All in all, I have to admit I’m getting pretty antsy over here!