We’ve completed the new “master” bedroom!

Okay, to be honest most of our clothes are still in the old bedroom, waiting to be washed, culled and donated, or put back into the closet. The closet is a walk-through between the two bedrooms, so we’ll keep it as our closet, but we’ll move some things into the built-in drawers, and find a use for our too- small old dresser in the new hobby room.

All of the furniture and bedding is what we already had in our old bedroom, and the white roman shade is leftover from the previous owners. I’d like to replace it with wide slatted blinds, but I’m being stingy about money right now. So far I’ve only spent $26 for the project, but the next phase, turning one bedroom into two separate hobby spaces, could get expensive quickly.

I’ll share a photo of the bedroom we’ve vacated after I have it empty. I’m too embarrassed to let you all see the piles of laundry that are in there! Hopefully will have that all gutted and ready to go by the end of the week.
On another note, with help from a few other Moms, I’ve successfully gotten Camp Fire off the ground in my town, and wonder if you’d be interested in weekly lesson plan updates?
Linked up at The Homestead Barn Hop, No Ordinary Blog Hop, and The Homemaking Link UP.